SonyLIV and Applause Entertainment on Thursday unveiled their upcoming slate for 2023, including two new series as well as the return of popular shows such as Scam , Tanaav, Avrodh, and Undekhi. The two new shows are Kafas, a social drama directed by Sahil Sangha, and a suspense thriller 36 Days, a press release stated. Kafas features Sharman Joshi, Mona Singh, and Vivan Bhatena, while Vishal Furia-directed 36 Days stars Neha Sharma, Purab Kohli, Shruti Seth, Chandan Roy Sanyal, Amruta Khanvilkar, Sharib Hashmi, Shernaz Patel, Faisal Rashid, Chahat Vig, and Kenneth Desai in pivotal roles. The project line-up also includes the second instalments of Tanaav and Scam — Scam 2003: The Telgi Story — and season three of Undekhi and Avrodh. Directed by Hansal Mehta and Tushar Hiranandani, Scam 2003 will focus on the story of the infamous stamp paper scam by Abdul Karim Telgi. “It is with great pleasure that we announce our upcoming slate for 2023 at Applause Entertainment with SonyLIV. T...
Samsung Galaxy M42 and Samsung Galaxy M12 work is going on according to the tipster.